Ripping and cutting music sets

Here's a simple process to rip audio, add metadata and cut the audio from the command line:

yt-dlp --extract--audio --audio-quality 0 ""

This rips a 3 hour set locally. Use mv if you want to rename the file. Let's call the file set.m4a.

Adding metadata using exiftool:

exiftool -Title="Big set" -Artist="Wicked skengman" set.m4a

It's a three hour set and we only want from 2:30:00 until the end, so only the last 30 minutes, for this we can use ffmpeg.

ffmpeg -ss 2:30:00 -i set.m4a -c copy output.m4a

copy copies the file without re-encoding.

If using cmus then run the following to update your library with the new file:

:add ~/Music/